Saturday, 4 February 2012

Preseason Task: Kitchen Makeover

The latest pre-season task in the 12WBT is the kitchen makeover.

I was a little worried that I would be left with an empty pantry.

But surprise surprise, I only threw out half a bin full. It mainly comprised of milk flavoring (ie Milo), noodles, kids treat jar, and crackers (not the rice kind!).

I did move all of S's work junk into another cupboard where it's out of sight. Let's hope I forget about that!

SO FAR.... good!! The season doesn't officially start until 13 Feb, but even the preseason is motivating. I've connected with a large group of local Canberrans who are also doing 12WBT, some are newbies, some are fit and fab. This morning they ran a boxing circuit, it was hard work but such fun! And.. FREE!

I've lost 1kg and am feeling fitter. I'm running over 4km without stopping - something I never, ever, thought I would achieve... Ever! You get the point.

I've also purchased a heart rate monitor to track my calories burnt. Ant wait to try it when it arrives! Hurry up!!

I'm excited for it to all kick off!!
