Friday, 25 May 2012

The junkfood cupboard of doom!!

As you may recall in the last round of 12WBT, one of the preseason tasks was to do a kitchen makeover. I did a post on it here.

Well, it was great, I was confident that I would be able to resist S's junkfood cupboard. And I did...until about week 8! I started to become a frequent visitor to it...and thats where I came unstuck.

So for round 2, when this preseason task came up I knew I needed to tackle this problem.

Now at first I wanted all the food removed from the house...I dont care what he did with it. Just OUT! But after reading some advice from the amazing Capital Punishment 12WBT crew, I realised it wasnt about having it there, it was about having the will power to say NO!!

Thats my problem, no will power. If the junk food is there I WILL eat it! ALL OF IT!

This must change!!! is my plan. I have moved it all into the laundry. So it isnt in my face, but it is still around. I am going to stock my house with lots of low calorie snacks; dark choc, low cal mouse, jelly, dips, etc. Things that I can hook into without feeling guilty. Im afraid carrot sticks just dont cut it.

My 12wbt committment which I put up in my last post will be going on my fridge...NICE. AND. BIG!

As will this picture....

So as usual peeps...wish me luck!!!

A xxx

Thursday, 17 May 2012

12wbt round 2! My preseason committment

This is about me. No body else. Only I can hold myself back, or push myself to succeed. I'm my best friend, or my own worst enemy.
I'm Committing to say NO to the junk food, NO to the couch, and NO to negative self sabotage!
Im committing to saying goodbye to these last 7kgs, the last of my 32kg journey. I'm saying yes to a more confident me. A happier and healthier mummy, who can pass these new YES habits onto my kids and family!
I'm committed to working my butt off to get this. And I will get this!