Monday 30 January 2012

Say It Out LOUD!!

In the latest preseason task for the Michelle Bridges 12WBT Challenge, we have to say out loud what our committments are. Here is mine:

I am committing to ME.

I am not just a mother, a girlfriend, a sister, a daughter. I am ME and at the end of my life I want to know that I have given everything I can to myself, everything good.
Health and happiness.

I am committed to losing the last 12 kilos, by staying committed to my training and eating routine. By knowing that Mish knows what she is talking about, I will succeed.

In 12 months time I want to be able to run 10kms without stopping, including competing in runs.

THIS time I am committed to reaching the finish line. To not stopping half way.

I am doing this for a better future for me. For my family.


Saturday 21 January 2012

Kids mess... And being grateful for it!

As hard as I try to keep my house tidy, 10 minutes later (if that) it looks like a gang of angry raccoons has made its way through every inch of my house!

But you know what? I don't mind. Intake a big breath and appreciate the mess.

I follow alot of mummy blogs. Mummy blogs about their struggle to have their babies, their struggle with the loss of their baby, the awful unimaginable sickness their child endures and sometimes the ending of that child's life.

It makes my heart ache so much. My partner insists that I stop reading them as I get very emotional. But I don't. And you know why?...

Because it keeps me REAL as a mother. Appreciative of the amazing healthy babies I have. Even after suffering my own miscarriage.

Yes, we are human, we all have our bad days when life seems like a burning pile of dog poop. But really... We are so lucky.

I'm grateful for the mess; for standing all over little match box cars, for the crayon on the walls, for the dirty hand prints on the clean mirrors, for the embarrassing supermarket tantrums, for the endless amounts of washing. And yes, even the poopy nappies!

I want to send special hugs to Courney at "EB"ing a Mommy. Tripp is a special soul, who captured my heart. He will be the cutest angel in the sky. RIP little drummer boy. X


Thursday 19 January 2012

Hair extensions!! Awesomeness!

I feel like a new person.
I have more confidence.
I feel sexier.
A change IS as good as a holiday.

Thats right, I had hair extensions put in! I had the opportunity through a makeup connection to get them done and I had always wanted to try them... I usually never do things like this for myself but thought, hey, THIS year is about self love. So why the hell not!

I chose the tape method as I have heard these are the most comfortable. They were out in in just under 2 hours. It was painless and it virtually undetectable.

My hair was SO long... It was amazing!

I did have it cut a day later to make it more manageable as I am so not used it having long hair at all!

Catherine at Raven Waves Extensions did an amazing job! I recommend you check her out ladies! She is on Facebook and Twitter.

Photos below are: before, after, and after cutting.


Tuesday 3 January 2012

Oh yes, the new years resolutions!

Have you made any new years resolutions, or do you think they are a load of hooey?

I have always made resolutions, written them down. And I have also never reached them, any of them.

Will this year be different? Lets are my resolutions for 2012:

I am always feeling tired, so... THIS year I WILL stick to a bed time routine, in bed by 10:30 on 'school nights'.

Last night was 'my first time'. In bed ON TIME!

Results: I woke up feeling great! It was also nice to snuggle with my man instead of sitting on my phone! Damn you technology! Hope to keep it up.

Next, finding a balance in this hectic game we call life!

Being a working mum of two little boys, its easy to start feeling frazzled and start losing sense of 'self'. Where have I gone? Where are my relationships? Who am I? Where are my keys? Where is my teddy...huh? What?

I want to spend more 'quality' time with my kids, doing actual things! But I still need to fit in the day-to-day errands. And, I want to find myself!

This is a work in progress.... I'm starting by trying to set a good routine we can all stick to! Anyone have any good recommendations for balancing time? Tips/products? Send them my way peeps!

Finally... this year I WILL become my sexy inner self and reach my weight/fitness goal!

OK, so I packed on the weight with both of my pregnancies. After Brody I was at my largest weight ever. Awful, horendous. Whale-like.

Never again!

Last year I lost 19kgs on Body Trim which was an amazing program. But I have hit a plateau and I feel I need a boost. I also want to get super fit!!

So far... I have joined the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation Challenge  I am hoping this program kicks my butt! I have also started back at gym classes; Body Pump and Spin class.

I will be updating my progress on these resolutions...especially the last one and will post before and after photos!!! Keep watching this space.

Wish me luck! Thanks in advance!


Fingers crossed in 2012!

Im still alive!

I did, for a short while, disengage from the blogging world. Reading and posting.

You know what its like around the end of the year... FRICKEN HECTIC!

I dont know what it is about 2012, but it has a nice sound to it, doesnt it! Leading up to new years eve I was thinking 'This is it. THIS is my year!'.

On Twitter I recently posted that 'your meant to spend NYE in a way that you wish to spend the new year...I am glad I wont be spending the night with my head in a bucket!' How wrong I was to be!

I wanted to spend a quiet evening at home with my family, and wake up fresh for new years day to make the most of it with my family.

Well, that didnt quite happen.

Early NYE afternoon Tyler went to bed with a horrid fever. A few hours later I was dashing to the toilet...It. Was. BAD! I was so ill...both ends! The pain, oh the pain! I am still recoverng now. After the vomit and waterworks had subsided I managed to keep some drugs down and had a nap. I woke just in time for the midnight fireworks on TV.

I said to Shea 'Oh I hope this is just the universes way of getting all of the crap out before the new year'. I NEED to stop jinxing myself. Just after midnight, Tyler yelled from his room...he had wet the bed! Must have been from the fever and the copious amounts of water we were making him consume.

After changing the sheets, and him, we sent him back to bed. Within that hour, there was another yell from Tyler. This time vomit. All. Through. The. Bed! EVERYWHERE!

Needless to say, we had an eventful night. I am still recovering from the awful stomach pains.

Please dear powers of the universe, let this year get better! It can only get better from here, right? RIGHT?

A x